
沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2021年1月28日—Howtocreateakahootinourapp·OpentheKahoot!·TapCreateatthebottomofthescreen.·Youcanaddthetitleanddescriptionright ...,2023年11月18日—HowtomakeakahootpublicinLibrarytab·GototheLibraryofyouraccount.·Findtherelevantkahoot.·Clickontheiconnexttothe ...,Howtoaccessthekahootcreator·Logintoyouraccount.·ClicktheCreatebuttonontherightsideofthetopnavigationbar.·SelecttheK...

Create Kahoot


How to make a kahoot game: Step-by

2021年1月28日 — How to create a kahoot in our app · Open the Kahoot! · Tap Create at the bottom of the screen. · You can add the title and description right ...

How to make a kahoot public, private, or other

2023年11月18日 — How to make a kahoot public in Library tab · Go to the Library of your account. · Find the relevant kahoot. · Click on the icon next to the ...

How to make a kahoot

How to access the kahoot creator · Log in to your account. · Click the Create button on the right side of the top navigation bar. · Select the Kahoot option ...


How to Create a Kahoot! Quiz

How to Create a Kahoot! Quiz · Go to, click Log in and enter your Kahoot account. · Click the Create button on the top right corner of the ...

How to Create a Kahoot Game: Step-by

2023年5月23日 — 1. Go to 2. Log in. 3. Click Create. 4. Click to choose a template or create a new game from scratch. 5. Click ...